Thursday, November 1, 2007


Here's my modest attempt at jumping into the awesome vegan food blog world. I wanted to take part in VeganMoFo (like NaNoWriMo) so here I am.

I'm sure I'll babble on and on about this in a future entry, but why "veganpitbull" you ask? I'm vegan and I'm the human of three gorgeous rescued pitbulls and I'm super passionate about both of these things. Five years ago, if you would have told me that I would ever be a vegan pitbull mama, I would have said "you crazy." I hated pit bulls and thought veganism was annoying. If I can change, anyone can. Like my dogs, I'm always learning more and improving and I'm tenacious and determined when it comes to what's important to me.

Oh, and my dogs eat vegan food! So in addition to posting about all the awesome food the people in my house eat, you may get a post or two about what the dogs are eating.

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