Tuesday, November 6, 2007

this is so wrong...

What I planned to make for dinner didn't materialize due to the crappiness of my local grocery store's offerings and being out of stuff at home.

So I went there. There, being, the list of wrongness. Things that I ate back in the day when I was young and stupid and had a metabolism. It's an actual list. The Monte Cristo sandwich is on there with the likes of cheesesteaks (which I posted the vegan version of yesterday) and carne asada fries (which if you have ever had these you are probably from San Diego and maybe we know each other or something). It's a list of disgusting things to veganize and I proudly check things off of it from time to time.


This sandwich was good. Very good. Good quality organic bread, FYH moz, Tofurkey slices, my take on the "fronch" toast batter from VwaV, apricot preserves and maple syrup for dipping. Raspberry preserves would have been better and more like the original from the Broadway Department Store cafe, which was my absolute favorite thing to eat when I was a kid.

I should have left well enough alone and eaten an apple or baked a potato and called it a dinner. I still had batter though. Lots of batter. I am not a wasteful person. I had half a block of tofu awaiting usage in the fridge.

This picture does not capture the awesomeness of this disgusting choice (probably becuase I had started eating it before I took the picture). The batter didn't really take to the tofu so after the tofu was frying in the pan, I just pored the rest of the batter over it. When it was done it was like a constellation of tofu blocks in a big batter pancake sky.

It was okay. The apricot preserves helped alot. But then suddenly, on the last bite, it become clear to me that this was a bad idea, another lapse of judgement in a life punctuated by such things. I felt sick. Still do in fact.

What can I say. Not every day can be quinoa, kale, and tempeh.

I am going to go lay down now and think about staying away from batter for a while.

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